Sunday, August 10, 2008

Polishing a Turd

Just got in from several hours spend making very little progress in painting/priming the front yard fence. Jeez louise, it takes a long time to paint a fence. But it looks a LOT better. It still doesn't look good, but as I say in the title of this post, the fence is in pretty rough shape. Here's a before and after:

Here's what else we did today:
  • Went to LePeep for breakfast. Gah, it was delicious. I had pancakes with some sort of honey granola almond mixture on top of them, and I swooned. I love LePeep. Eric and I used to go there back in the early days of our courtship. 
  • Went to Home Depot. Again. We went yesterday to pick up a palm sander, among other things. I got it home last night, plugged it in, used it for 3 minutes, and then it broke. So we took it back and got a better one (it worked great). And we also picked up a hose, ostensibly to give Yogi a bath (didn't happen... he still smells), some sawhorses, etc. etc. etc. This has got to stop. 
  • Primed the master bath. That room has at least 12 corners that I can think of. I think we're going to paint it a nice cream color, but that will be next weekend. 
  • Eric fixed the lock on the back fence. We hooked up a padlock up there initially, and then it rained and the lock jammed. SIGH. So Eric sprayed it up with WD40 and it came loose, but we got an outdoor lock with some coating on the metal instead. 
  • Eric also changed out the lock on the basement door. The basement door is currently located at the bottom of a pit where there once were stairs. We've got to replace the stairs, and then get a cover for the doors. The big question is WHERE DID THE STAIRS GO???
  • I sanded the front fence, and then painted roughly 25% of it. My arms are pleasantly achy. 
In the meantime, my Aunt Ro and cousin John stopped by, which was great! Ro got to see all the progress we've made, as she was one of the first to see the house before we bought it--I think she was a little impressed. Ro and I then sat out on the front porch and ate some Cheese Nips and pretended that I had a glass of wine to offer her. She said that our neighborhood reminded her of Beaver Cleaver's. :) 

We also spent some good q-time with the pups, who were very well-behaved with our guests today. Yogi is becoming such a good good dog, but he has some very strange habits. Not only will he not eat his food unless all conditions around him are perfect (he needs permission, Pixie can't be near him, the wind has to be blowing from the Southwest...), he never poops normally. I realize this is a little too much information, but it's so strange. He does a little dance and then backs up INTO something, usually a plant or a bush, but sometimes a lamp post. 

It was an absolutely fantastic day outside--don't think it got over 75. We spent most of it outside, and now we're beat. We put in the movie "Black Sheep" with Chris Farley and David Spade. LOVE it. The scene with the bat in the cabin... Priceless. 

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