Indeed, the shower stall is complete, and looks fantastic. However, now that Eric has taken on the task of installing the shower head, he has run up against a roadblock in the form of a very small cap, that has been screwed on the end of the pipe. He can't get it off. So RJ, our plumber, is coming over sometime soon and hopefully will know what to do. Because I swear, if we've been through all this crap and our shower still doesn't work... Well, I don't know what I'll do about it, but I certainly won't be happy.
This really is classic-Eric, though, I have to say. Not the inefficiency of it. No no--he's efficient down to the very core of his being. And thorough and methodical. SO thorough and SO methodical that he has difficulty actually 100% completing a project. He will spend days and days designing what is basically a shelf to go over our washer/dryer, because he hates that I put the detergent on top of the unit (I say, it's a natural shelf!). But do we have that shelf yet? No! We have a 3-D computer rendering of it, complete with beveled edges and color. Same situation with the downstairs half-bath, which is the strangest shaped room in all of creation. We popped a tall cabinet in one of the weirder corners, and as far as I can see, all we need to do is slap up a couple pieces of trim around the seams and we're good to go. This cabinet spent at least 2 months sitting in the hallway waiting to be installed, and has been in its home for probably 3 months now. The trim is sitting in the bathroom, waiting to be put up. Do we have a finished cabinet--of course not. But we do have a professional computer model of how it's going to look when it's finished.
Ahh, the blessings and curses of living with an architect... This is what he does for a living--this is who he is!
One might argue, Haley, why don't you take the initiative and do this stuff yourself? I answer, there are several reason:
- I have to live with this man
- I understand that even though this propensity toward overplanning may drive me crazy, the quality of his work is still MUCH better than mine. In fact, I can't recall a single instance in which the term "quality" has ever been applied to my home improvement skilz.
- I am afraid of the nail gun.
It's a great time to be me.
Haley! We've lived in this house 13 years and still have trim that hasn't been nailed down - it falls everytime I vacuum (so I stopped vacuuming that area!)So - just keep moving furniture and painting around the edges! It's worth the journey!!!
Hehehehe, you made me laugh with this post! We are living in a half painted living room, half molding hung, different paint "spots" on our bedroom walls to see which one we like (they've been there since the fall), and the list goes on! Don't you just love old houses???? ;) Hope you're doing well!
Hehehehe, you made me laugh with this post! We are living in a half painted living room, half molding hung, different paint "spots" on our bedroom walls to see which one we like (they've been there since the fall), and the list goes on! Don't you just love old houses???? ;) Hope you're doing well!
I know the delay must be frustrating, but hopefully it's overcome soon. Good luck, and keep us posted!
ITA with Joyce. It's never done, but that's part of the fun!
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