Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I found the camera. It was on a desk, not hidden at all. I feel foolish.

Picture time!

Adventures in landscaping... Most of the purple stuff is phlox, which should become mounded eventually, and stuff at the top right is spreading, so we're hoping that eventually, the flowers take over the whole yard so we don't have to worry about growing our anemic grass. 

Hanging baskets and nice new planters for the front porch below. 

Meanwhile, this is the attic ceiling...  Yes, it's on the floor. In the foyer. 

Bathroom!!!! Bathroombathroombathroombathroom!!!!!!! Do you like my nice new shower curtain?

Here's the shelf above the washer/dryer. It took forever to paint, but it's worth it. 


New Learnings said...

Haley - things are looking great!

lizzie said...

Not sure how I missed this post earlier, but...

Waaaaaaa-hooooooooooo! That curtain rocks. I love black and white, especially when it's softened with a lovely flourish of a pattern. Very nice choice, indeed!