Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's been a couple days. We've been too tired to do anything, so there's not much to blog about.

Tonight, though, I felt the first little inklings of fall seeping into my skin, as I walked the pups and smelled some leaves burning and felt a little chill in the air. And I love it. Fall reminds me of when I was in high school, playing (poorly) on the golf team. We'd finish up with our 9 holes, in the dark, invariably, and then go into the clubhouse and eat sloppy joes or chili or some other wonderful fall-ish food. Sigh... Youth.

Anyway, I lingered outside, and the pups totally enjoyed that. We also played some frisbee in the back. Pixie is getting better with catching the frisbee in the air. She's done it 3 times, probably out of more than 100 throws. We'll have to work on that.

I'm just waiting for Eric to get home. Dinner's ready and I'm really hungry, but feel like I should wait. I hate waiting.

In the meantime, I sanded and painted the backdoor. Looks good. I used a glossy white. It was a dull white, with a huge crack in it. I filled that up with a crack filler, and while it's not totally smooth, it's looking better.

And as I was painting, I kept thinking about the same thing that's been on my mind for the last 2 weeks. Sarah Palin. Seriously. Are we REALLY thinking this woman is remotely qualified to be Vice President? Under a 72 year old President??? Can a woman who is anti-choice but pro-death penalty, abstinence-teaching with a pregnant daughter, book banning, small town mayor really be the best that the GOP could come up with? Do we really want a hockey-mom representing our country to the rest of the world? As a woman, and you know that the only reason she was chosen was because she was a woman, I am insulted. Instead of being a giant step forward, we'd be taking a huge step back. I'm terrified. This is worse than 2004. And so much more at stake...

I hate to alienate any of my blog readership, but I just have to say this. Vote with your head this year. We can talk so much about how we want the President to be a guy we can sit and have a beer with, and how Sarah Palin is an attractive, ambitious woman. But what we really need is a leader who will focus on the things that MATTER--not the things that happen in someone's personal bedroom, and not the things that happen to someone's body.

Ugh. Plea done. Back to houseblogging...

1 comment:

! said...

AGREED. Folks, Sarah Palin is a fraud who pimps out her poor baby as if his disability legitimizes her as a candidate. John McCain, tough against foreign torture as he is, will eventually pass away and leave us in the hands of a woman who uses more Aqua Net than my grammie. Let's not have that happen. Hey, I'm not the biggest Obama lover out there - but I know he'll at least focus on repairing our foreign relationships/reputation, the environment (which will more deeply affect our children than almost anything else), and creating jobs. Hi, it's hard getting a job these days. Let's elect someone who will do something about it beyond gathering the lads together for a public hunt. Palin is a step back for feminism. Oh, and Hays, the house looks cuuuute!