Thursday, May 14, 2009


We had a doozy of a storm last night that left branches everywhere (except on my car! Hooray!!!) and tulips from our tulip tree scattered across the neighborhood. It's a mess.
Eric is upstairs cutting and nailing away at the ceiling, which is taking roughly 900% longer than we anticipated. 

And here's spring at #2021. Notice the painted foundation. It's about half done. I couldn't bend over anymore. 

We're getting rid of that shrub. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, 2021 is just gorgeous! I'm so far behind on my blog-stalking...glad your car was spared any damage the other night. Wasn't it crazy??

Lol at 900% longer--I'm beginning to adjust my timeframes for home-related (ALWAYS longer than anticipated) and non-home-related. That ceiling is looking amazing, though!