Ashie and I did the Robert Kessler 5K this morning for the AIDS Walk Boston. I knew it was going to be ugly, given that Ash and I had buffalo chicken tenders and a bottle of wine last night. I also knew it was going to be ugly because I haven't run at all since, ummm, December. It was also pretty warm today, I started off with the breakfast of champions of coffee and that's it, and my new shoes have not yet been broken in. I also still have plaster dust in my lungs--I'm sure of it. Excuses, excuses...
So, we ran like the wind (a gentle breeze, if you will) for the first mile or so, until we turned the corner on Memorial Drive and entered into a super sunny stretch. I was already dragging, so Ash kept on going while I slowed down and just tried to not fall into the Charles River (from which I would have no doubt emerged with three arms or no hair...). Made it to the end in NOT LAST PLACE, and Ashie and Eric were waiting. Eric then informed me that "I didn't want to tell you, but I knew this would be a difficult race for you." Because I haven't been running. To which I responded, "Thank you, Eric--I appreciate your insight." Gah. What a totally unnecessary comment.
Anyway, we wore our Morrissey t-shirts (see left--swoon), and that was pretty much the highlight of the race. AFTER the race, however, we hit up all of the booths. Whole Foods really put on a spread, so we got some granola bars, salad, drinks, etc. We also made the unwise decision to follow a run with cheese, Greek yogurt, fro-yo and sherbet... Because dairy is the best thing to eat after you run, of course.
We then sat out on the Comm Ave. Mall for about and hour and enjoyed the endorphins, free cookies, and sunshine, as well as pointing out how cute peoples' dogs were. And I actually felt really good, so despite the misery that was the number of minutes that it took me to finish the race (which I'm not telling), I'm going to start running again. Ahhh, what a day.
hooray for team morrissey!
God I miss the two of you. I mean, it's not like I would actually run, but still...
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