Monday, November 5, 2007

It's 3:30 and it's getting dark

No joke. Daylight Savings Time in Boston is ridiculous. By the middle of December, it will be like midnight at 4:00 in the afternoon.

To my thinking, this is just one more reason why we should move back to a state that doesn't participate in such nonsense... But I learned yesterday that Indiana does indeed now do Daylight Savings. I guess I will have to rely on my other ten million reasons why Indy is better than Boston to persuade Eric to move there...

If you haven't been reading the news or, like, me, care less than anything in the whole world about sports, it's still likely that you've heard about Boston's recent winnin' ways, what with the Sox taking the World Series, the Pats being the Colts yesterday (Booo!!!!!!), and the Celtics actually winning a couple games. Approximately 96% of all local news coverage in the last couple weeks has been devoted to sports, and I'm getting pretty sick of it. As soon as teachers start making as much as football players, I will start being a professional athletic supporter (hehe...). Till then, Tom Brady, you're cute, but MEH! I say to you! MEH!

However, my lovely hub-unit, the Big E (as my dad has taken to calling him), is beyond obsessed with sports. I'm not sure why, and I'm not ready to plumb the depths of his subconscious to figure out why--likely has something to do with fading aspirations and his father... But anyway, we spend a good deal of time watching sports, or talking about them (talking about them is me asking an obscure question, like "why is that guy putting his knee down on the ground after that other guy kicks the ball? and Eric saying, "That is a touchback, blah blah blah... etc.). We spent the afternoon yesterday at Joey and Jayson's house eating chili-based food (chili dip, vegan chili and meaty chili--all delish) and watching the Pats/Colts game, the outcome of which I've already discussed.

My point--we had a really nice time watching the game at Joey and Jayson's. It was great. Here is Jayson and Tico, our mascot.

It's days like these when I've spent too much time working on spreadsheets and not enough time interacting with other people that make me feel like I need to go outside and "blow off some steam," as my mom used to say when we were bugging her in the house.

The whole point of this blog... Jeez. I logged on to announce that today is my and Eric's 6 month anniversary! Wow!!! So, exactly 6 months ago right now, I was wigging out in our hotel room at the Jurys, drinking far too much champagne far too quickly. Ahh, time flies. It's been a great 6 months. Doesn't feel like that long, in some respects--we're definitely still in the schmoopy-schmoopy phase of marriage. In other ways, it feels like we've been married forever. Like when Eric leaves his socks on the floor. Every night. :)

And those are my thoughts of the day. What I'm looking forward to:
  • Trip to Indiana and cutest-town-in-the-world Scottsburg visit!
  • Night out at Heroes next Saturday--The Smiths, The Cure, and Depeche Mode just came on all in a row on my iPod. I fiercely feel like dancing.
  • Thanksgiving--long weekend HOLLA!
  • Christmas!!!! Baby shower for my friend Ann, Christmas Eve breakfast with old high school friends, and a whole week in Roscommon. Bliss. Keep your fingers crossed for snow.

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