Tuesday, November 13, 2007


And right now, I'm kind of hating Boston a little... But that's just because I haven't encountered any strangers who have been nice to me, or any friendly cows or horses, or charming old barns. And it's mostly because we had such a great weekend that coming back couldn't have been anything other than a let down.

So, we got off the plane in Louisville, KY, and were immediately happy, for some reason. I think it was because it was a nice day, and because no one sneered at us as we got off the plane. We went to the rental car station, where the clerk engaged us in pleasant conversation, and he led us to the rental car lot, which was right outside the terminal--no shuttles. That was great. We drove north to Columbus and saw about 10,000 bats flying across the dusky sky. Eric thought they were birds, because "there's not that many bats in Southern Indiana." Umm, clearly, he hasn't spent much time in Southern Indiana, because I think there are like a billion bats there.

We got to my Aunt Ro's house in Grammer, Indiana, and my whole family was there--mom and dad drove down from Michigan, and my cousins were there, and Corky the dog was there... My mom and aunt were about three glasses of wine deep into the evening, so that made things even more fun.

Saturday, we went to my Book Signing, which I was expecting to just be a little reception where I would sign like three books. But I signed about 200 books! And it was great! The most wonderful thing about Scottsburg and the people is that they are so earnest and thoughtful and grateful. I loved writing this book for them, and we're already talking about The Scottsburg Story II. Here, I'm pictured with my favorite Scottsburgians, and Graham, who is in the pink shirt. He's just one of my favorite Hoosiers in general.

One of the big highlights of the weekend was that Joey's mom, dad, aunt, uncle and nephew showed up at the signing! I couldn't believe it--they drove up from Jeffersonville, and were on their way to the Rodeo. So great to meet them again, and see the charming little Camo, who apparently loved me just as much as I loved him. So cute. I wanted to put him in my bag and take him home with me.

Anyway, Sunday was filled with activities like going to Fazoli's for lunch, and to Steak and Shake for a shake for dessert, and hanging around reading for the entire afternoon... It was awesome, and I loved every minute I was there. But my pants are too tight.

So, anyway, I'm feeling pretty homesick right now. But it is nice to be back in my own bed. Eric is still recovering from his cold (the same cold I finished up about a week ago... Curious, no??) and is a snoring fool. About every third night I'm so tired I just sleep through it. The other nights, I'm up, periodically kicking or nudging him and resenting the hell out of him. Anyway, he snored like the dickens the whole time were there, and somehow, I've lost the ability to sleep wherever I want. What happened that I suddenly get a sore back from sleeping in an unfamiliar bed? Getting old.

This picture here is Eric cuddling with Corky, Ro and Shorty's old puppers. She was VERY happy to have us around and we spent some good quality time together. She especially loved Eric, but then, don't we all???

1 comment:

Joey! said...

But Boston loves you!

Its funny that the top reasons for why you love Indiana are the top reasons I hate Indiana. We should work on that.

Anyways, I'm glad to have you guys home.