Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I know, I know...

It's been weeks! Long gone are the weeks when I would post 3 maybe 4 times. I'm disappointing my readership (all 3 of you...). I will do better.

Much of the delay has been due to the holidays, where we visited my lovely family in Roscommon. Delightful visit, filled with way WAY too much food (serious, Mom--I need elastic waistbands now), Trivial Pursuit and Monopoly tournaments, The Christmas Story, and so much snow. SO MUCH SNOW! We had a great time.

However, I am surprisingly happy to be home. In fact, my usage of the word "home" to describe our place in Indy is new. Home has always been Roscommon. I guess this means I'm happy here.

I leave you with a picture of our visit. Will update later this week.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I spent most of the day messing around on my computer, making Christmas presents and watching stupid videos. Here we are--prime Sunday house-improvement time--and we did not take advantage of it. I don't feel bad. 

I haven't been posting very much for a couple reasons. One is that I've been crazy busy the last couple weeks, or at least it feels like it. Second is that I feel very boring. Third is that there's a bit of a moratorium on big house projects until after the New Year. Must get through Christmas before starting a new task.

Eric did get some work done up in the attic yesterday. He's such a trooper. You see, if I was assigned this duty, I would probably just not do it. But Eric approached the task of stuffing about 12 bags of loose insulation into the kneewalls of the attic with gusto. Notice the ski goggles... That's dedication, folks. He found a mummified mouse, which he told me to take downstairs. I said no.

We spent a good deal of time Furminating and then cuddling with the puppies, who are both getting very excited about visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Michigan next week. We are, too. Eric gets to go back to Boston for a visit next weekend (free plane ticket!) while I get to stay home and work and watch the kids. I may paint our bedroom, too. Eric is obsessed with chocolate brown for our walls, so we'll see how it looks. Might be nice. Might also be  cave-like. That's why I like paint--never permanent. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Winter Freakin' Wonderland

So, I'd forgotten that Hoosiers don't know how to drive in the snow. It was an adventure this morning when I was out and about, for sure. 

Today, we did some weatherproofing of the house, and that was pretty much it. Meanwhile, the puppies enjoyed the snow. Look at our handsome boy. 

Oh yeah, and it's also like a scene from The Birds outside! Every crow in central Indiana has taken up roost in our neighborhood. So weird and kind of scary.