View from the current kitchen.

View from entry between new kitchen and living room.
From near the entry to back hallway.
Up close with the new sconces.
Good stuff. One nice thing is that the mineral oil we're using on the soapstone smells like roses. Delightful.
This is not to say that all is perfect. There is still a crapload of work to do. We need to finish the windows; paint the ceiling; install the trim around four entries and two windows; paint the trim; install the fridge; install the garbage disposal and faucet (plumber is coming tomorrow); hook up the gas to the cooktop; paint the walls; and figure out how to put the doors on the ovens. But overall, reflecting on the giganticness of the whole project, we're in the home stretch.
After that, we have some major tiling to do in the back hallway/powder room and in the current kitchen/future dining room. After that, we are taking a bit of a break, because we are worn out, physically, emotionally and financially.