[i tried to post a video, but it was taking forever, so i must not be doing it right...]
Since my last post, we've celebrated her first birthday, which is amazing to me. I remember some things about this time last year very vividly, like yelling at the doctors, but most everything else is a big blur. During my sick time, I just slept a lot. Anyway, we are super lucky to have our munchkin, who is by all accounts an exceptional child. Okay, maybe just my and her papa's accounts, and her Grammy and Pappy's--we are all smitten. She's crawling like a champ, obviously, has said "dada" and "doggie" pretty clearly and multiple times (though she has NOT said mama, which is killing me). She has two teeth, can rock some barrettes in her hair, pulls herself up on the furniture, and has learned that I yelp when she pinches. She thinks that's hilarious.
In house news, the new furnace went in at the beginning of the month, and it seems like it's working okay. I really hate spending money on things like a furnace when there are so many things that we could spend that money on that I could SEE. Ah well. I am waiting for our next gas bill, which I'm hoping willshow that we're using far less. That will be a victory. Eric is very nearly finished with the deck, though we're afraid now that it's going to be too late in the year to really finish it up. We're having a stretch of warm weather now, so it would be ideal if he could get some painting done, but the kiddo kind of puts a cramp in those plans. This weekend, of course, when we're off for four days, it's supposed to be 40 degrees. Anyway, it's looking great, despite the lack of paint on some parts. Eric, however, insists upon covering it up with huge sheets of plastic, so rest assured that our trash-factor is still in the high-90s.