Saturday, August 7, 2010


Where the heck did summer go??!

I'm not all that broken up about it, actually. I seek the Golden Mean, and therefore, appreciate fall and spring when it's not so fracking hot.

All is well, except between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am, when the Harpster apparently feels compelled to wake every 45 minutes and scream for no good reason. She has also started to only want to calm down when I'm carrying her on my shoulder while standing up. I can do this at 3:30 in the morning for only a limited time. It has been difficult. I am thinking she's acting up because she's been sick. She had a low fever for several days, and then broke out into this insane rash all over her body and face. We have been calling her Spot, but not while she's within earshot.

Eric is working like a little demon on the deck, finally. We're hoping for railings tomorrow! He also bought some solar post caps, so I'm thinking that the end must be in sight. Of course, I could be wrong. I thought the end was in sight last summer.

We had a photo shoot with Harper, photos by Ryan of Verbal Diarrhea. He is a very talented amateur photographer, but I have to say, he was working with limited cooperation on the part of his subject. She was NOT into it. But we did get a couple of good shots. Here they are:

And here is what she did the rest of the time...