Okay, I wouldn't exactly call myself a runnin' fool. But I DID finish the Tufts 10K on Monday, knocked at least 20 minutes off last year's time, and came in around the middle of the pack. I averaged 11:51/mile, which is great considering that I am part turtle, and considering we walked about a mile of the race. It was necessary. Totally cold and raining outside, which was also a good thing--the cold kept my internal thermometer down (usually set at "self-clean" during runs), and the rain covered up how sweaty I was. Couldn't have been better.
Picture was taken around mile 5.5, and that is my little buddy Ashlee, who was a trooper--she got a cramp around mile 2. Poor little legs! My face is blurry because I was moving so fast!
In other news, my trip to Indiana is impending, and I couldn't be happier. Difficult as always to get away from work, but I will be heading to Columbus on Friday, Nov. 9 and coming back on the 12th. We're going to have a little reception at Jeeves & Co. on the square in Scottsburg, and a signing apparently. Though I don't know who beyond my parents would want a signed copy of the book. It's not like I'm a celebrity and they're never going to see me again, or it's going to be worth something on ebay... But I guess one never knows. In 20 years an original signed copy of The Scottsburg Story could be worth millions. Good reason for you to get your own copy!
Eric emailed earlier today and said he wanted to make "mini-meatloafs" for dinner. This is unprecedented. 1) He doesn't cook, 2) he almost never suggests that HE make something, 3) mini-meatloafs???? He must've come across a recipe--he loves the ketchup/brown sugar sauce you put on meatloaf. Anyway, that's what we're having. He sounds very excited. I'm just excited to not stick my hands in raw meat. Gross.